High school hexagonal worktops

High school hexagonal worktops

High school hexagonal worktops is commonly used in chemistry laboratories . It has the advantages of high space utilization, convenient teaching for teachers, simple material requirements and high cost performance.Chemical resistant laminate has strong chemical resistant properties and often used in the high school lab furniture . We provide supporting chemical resistant laminate for laboratory furniture enterprises with quality ,the cost and service. Hexagonal countertops type accommodate 6 students operating at same time, the thickness is 19mm, it is very strong in structure and safe. We whole sale it with the cost performance

Hexagonal table

The hexagonal worktops in high school
The hexagonal table in high school

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Chemical resistant laminate production

black chemical resistant laminated
Black chemical resistant laminate

Hexagonal table colors

Hexagonal worktops color

Chemical resistant laminated size

SGS certificate

Hexagonal table sgs test report
Quality assured

Chemical resistant laminate production

Factory directly with the cost performance
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