Laboratory fume hood countertops

Laboratory fume hood countertops

Laboratory fume hood countertops ,lab fume hood is the most important equipment that is the exhaust various harmful gases.The fume hood countertop is the carrier of various chemical experiments, which contacts a variety of chemical reagents, and its corrosion resistance is the core of the fume hood. Our phenolic countertops have strong corrosion resistance and can resist the erosion of acid, alkali, salt and other corrosive media meanwhile It can effectively protect your experimental equipment and instruments in corrosion environment and extend the service life.We offer a custom service for laboratory furniture maker and make phenolic sheet which can be customized according to your specific needs ,specifications. You can choose from different sizes, thicknesses and colors to meet the specific needs of your laboratory furniture.

Lab marine edge countertops for furniture

Fume hood countertops

laboratory fume hood countertops

Benefits of using epoxy resin worktops in laboratories

phenolic sheets

Countertops making

laboratory fume hood worktop making
Fume hood worktop fabricating

Chemical resistant countertops for lab furniture

Fume hood worktop production

laboratory furniture worktop fabrication
Phenolic sheet cut to size workshop

Chemical resistant worktops for lab furniture

Service to fume hood maker around the world

shengstone International cooperation
International coopeatoin

Laboratory fume hood marine worktops

Countertops loading

countertop export loading
Lab countertops export loading
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